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Aboriginal Heritage Services

Due Diligence Advice

Undertaking due diligence is the first step in understanding the potential for a site to contain Aboriginal cultural material, and it is achieved through examining various factors including topography, distance from water, availability of natural resources, whether other cultural sites are present in the surrounding area, and by understanding the impact of post-European usage of the land may had on cultural material. 

Austral is often approached to prepare expert advice for our clients that seeks to determine whether a site is likely to contain Aboriginal cultural material, and if so, what are the implications in terms of managing any potential impacts. We specialise in providing clear and detailed pathways for projects and can outline the approval process moving forward.


cultural heritage consultant
archaeological excavation

Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessments and Aboriginal Heritage Impact Permits

Austral can prepare Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessments or similar reports for your project in accordance with all relevant State guidelines.

This includes consultation with the local Aboriginal community, undertaking surveys, site inspections, test excavations, and assisting with the AHIP application process. 

Cultural Heritage Management Plans

Managing Aboriginal heritage values in a Victorian context is managed in partnership with Traditional Owners and Registered Aboriginal Parties through the various stages of a desktop, standard and complex Cultural Heritage Management Plan.

Austral works with our numerous clients alongside regulators and RAPs to create simple and workable solutions for CHMPs in Victoria. Our services in this area includes undertaking surveys, archaeological testing programs, and salvage excavation works.

aboriginal heritage assessments

We are here to help

Speak to us to see how we can assist with your heritage needs and provide successful outcomes

We deliver pragmatic and workable solutions for every project.

Contact us to discuss your heritage management needs.